Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thank You for Vomiting, Napoleon

I have a confession. I'm ashamed to admit this, because I already reported one dismal failure in the form of a tasty pizza last night. But, because I feel I'm among friends, I will share. I almost slipped AGAIN. Here's why:

I got these yummy morsels in my Christmas stocking. They had been stashed in a bag, which was wadded up and jammed in a cupboard. You know: out of sight, out of mind? HA! Those damn Butterfingers have been shouting at me for 24 hours: "Eat me! We're sweet and crunchy and delicious! One or four won't hurt! EAT ME!" (Does this happen to you -- food bellowing at you? Yes? Good! I was worried it was only me.)

Like yesterday, I ate a wholesome breakfast, super low-fat lunch, a banana, some grapes...and then I heard the muffled yet irresistible siren call of the Butterfingers. Somehow, the wadded up bag ended up out of the cupboard and on the couch next to me. I successfully ignored it for a couple of hours, thinking about how lame I'd feel when I was finished shoveling them in.

And then Fate intervened. Immediately after cat dinner time, I heard plaintive mewling from the living room. I assumed it was Napoleon (aka Captain Nap) and his sister Squeaky the Cat playing. The mewling grew louder, and then it turned into a repeated "blerph!" Yes, old Capt. Nap regurgitated his half of the duck-flavored canned food he has to eat because of a food allergy. That stuff smells gross from the can; you can imagine how it smells upon being expelled. I cleaned it up and, feeling slightly nauseated, put the Butterfingers away. So, thank you, Napoleon, for vomiting.


  1. Oh ya, I forgot to mention how hard it is to give up chocolate ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my blogs.

    1. Oh, swell. Good thing I hate chocolate. [insert eye-rolling emoticon here]

      I was delighted to find your other blog, and as a bird lover, I especially loved the cardinal haiku and picture, but the others were beautiful too.

  2. Stay strong! And might I suggest purging your cupboards of all tempting morsels?! We can offer a good home to them over here if you want to donate! MK

    1. MK,

      What a kind offer! I actually had the bag in my hand this morning, all set to give it to my husband to take to work, but I couldn't pull the trigger, so to speak. Maybe by Monday I'll have the strength to part with the treats...stay tuned!

  3. Throw out the #@$% Butterfingers! Do not have them in the house! :-)

    1. You are so right. They will be far too tempting, I know.

  4. Only thing more disgusting than cat vomit on a clean rug is watching the preparing. LOL Oh, shag rugs. Thank Gawd those are history!

    1. It's comical how, upon hearing the onset of an "episode," I'll try to race into the general vicinity, with a newspaper or magazine clutched in my hand, in an attempt to get between him and the rug. More often than not, this doesn't work. Never had to deal with a shag rug. Yikes!!!
